Bicycle Rodeo Project

BRP Clubs

The Bicycle Rodeo Project believes that the bicycle club assumes the role in partnership with Independent Bicycle Dealers at the heart of the bicycle community.

The bike club, commonly perceived by many, are people, that as collective or  group, get together to ride bikes or advocate for bicycling in any discipline. true.

Note this, and please embrace to your core: bicycle clubs are composed of people. Those people are consumers of bicycle industry goods and service.

We believe and encourage the expansion of the idea that the bicycle club is at the heart of the community . 

Their people consume with their disposable income, goods and services provided by the bicycle industry.

Further, the bike club provides a most important collective voice to the community composed of the riders, the participants, the volunteers, and often the employees within the bicycle industry itself. 

Again, they are consumers.

We believe that the bicycle club, in concert with IBDs is absolutely critical and vital to the heart of the bicycle community. 

We be that it is absolutely true. We would like you to embrace this value or/and ideology too.

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